30 Clan Heads Boycott King Oyo’s 27th Coronation Anniversary

By Musa Polite

13th Sept, 2022

At least 30 clan heads have stayed away from King Oyo’s 27th coronation anniversary held at Karuziika palace in Fort portal city.

The clan heads being headed by Reverend will Kintu Muhanga the representative of Abamoli clan in Tooro kingdom supreme council who is also the chairperson clan heads committee said, their action of refusing to participate in this year’s coronation anniversary is a fulfillment of a decision they took recently to showcase their dissatisfaction over the institution governance.

Among the clans who boycotted Oyo’s 27th coronation anniversary includes Abeeri, Abamooli, Abaitiira, Abatenzi, Abaliisa, Abagorongwa, Abaihangwe Abachwama among others.

The clan heads accuse king Oyo of flouting the procedure of choosing a prime minister and speaker of the Kingdom supreme council which they claim is an abrogation of the 1999 constitution that governs the kingdom.

According to their petition, clan heads showed their dissatisfaction on how Mr. Julius Mwirumubi, the Tooro kingdom supreme council Speaker was handpicked by the king instead of being elected by the council members and how the king didn’t follow the right procedure while appointing the new prime minister Rt.Hon. Stephen Kiyingi, hence calling upon the king to address their grievances.

Reverend willy Kintu Muhanga, chairperson clans committee in Toro Kingdom says that the clan heads had petitioned the King on 4th of September citing a number of anomalies he undertook while appointing the new prime minister of the Kingdom Owek Steven Kiyingi and Owek Julius Mwirumbi as speaker of the Kingdom supreme council however the king adamantly refused to respond to the concerns of the clan heads.

Muhanga says Tooro Kingdom is built on a strong foundation of the clans which make up the kingdom however the king doesn’t respect the opinions of the Tooro kingdom supreme council and the clan leaders upon which he derives power to govern the institution, it was from this background he noted that they will not stop at boycotting the coronation anniversary however they will continue to seek legal redress to bring the kingdom back to order.

Methuselah Kasukali the head of Aberi clan in the supreme council said whereas the king has deviated from constitutional governance of the institution a section of people has continued to support his actions even when they know they are against the laws.

Kasukali says as head of Aberi Clan he could not sit down and celebrate the king’s coronation when the kingdom was being misled to the wrong path.

Mbogo Rukiidi the vice chairperson from the Babiito ruling clan says he could not attend a ceremony where both the Speaker (Rwigi) and the premier (Omuhikirwa)are both illegitimate which is against the Kingdom constitution.

Mbogo says they are still considering a number of options to save the kingdom from operating illegally and among the many options they are following include a legal process.


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