Public places must hire qualified security guards for security purpose says Resident City Commissioner fort portal

Public places must hire qualified security guards for security purpose says Resident City Commissioner fort portal

Resident city commissioner fort portal tourism city has directed all public places like churches, markets, restaurants to hire well trained security guards that will be checking at the entrance for security purpose as bombs explosion increase in the country.

RCC Mbabazi Rogers while speaking with our reporter revealed that they are carrying out security meetings with religious leaders, market leaders, restaurants and hotel owners to have measures on prevention of bomb explosion in fort portal city.

He disclosed that they should not just hire anyone but they need to have qualified and well trained who can check people with a reason.

He advised people to stay away from any object they do not understand and report to the security team for quick action.

Komuhimbo Christine female councilor Ibonde ward, Karago town council in fort portal tourism city asked people to accept to be checked for security purposes and public places to have a male security guard for males and female security guard to check female.

Meanwhile, the Bishop of Ruwenzori Diocese the Rt. Rev. Reuben Kisembo Amooti has condemned the increasing bombings in the country that lead to death of innocent Ugandans.

Bishop Kisembo Warns the youths against being lured and recruited into terrorism activities as this is dangerous for their future.

The Bishop also warns security agencies against torturing and terrorizing citizens. He says such acts may also be the cause of these bombings as people are always angry and tired adding that through terrorism, it could be one way of expressing their anger.

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