By Musa Polite

Leaders of Buheesi town council in Bunyangabu district are worried over government officials who mis-appropriate public funds and go with impunity. These say the habit has delayed service delivery in their area.

The area Mayor Buheesi town council Mr. Monday Wilson, council speaker Mr. Katusabe Agaba and all councilors, accuse the Bunyangabu district CAO Mr. Nsungwa Peter, Minister of defense Adolf Mwesige, LC5 chairperson Ategeka James Mugarama and the district public accounts committee for ignoring Ms.Kabakoma Maurine, their former town clerk who miss appropriated sums of money meant to provide services to the community. The Mayor and councilors added that they have on several occasions contacted all leaders mentioned above but have lent a deaf ear on their complaints.

In a letter seen by our reporter dated 24th May 2019, councilors requested the town clerk Madam Kabakoma Maurine to show how DDEG funds was spent in relation to the planned activities in the budget for the same year, they found out that most of the capital projects under road fund and DDEG were not going to be implemented owing to misappropriation of the funds.

They explain that out of over 20 million that was supposed to be used for that financial year, only 7.3million was used and the 12.69million shillings that was expected to be on the account was not there, putting on hold activities that were supposed to be implemented. Councilors add that over 4million was spent on Maurine’s support to her studies without councilor’s knowledge.

Councilor Kusemererwa David aka Mukaade of Bukiika ward, Expedito Mwesige, Bwangu Mary, Katusabe Agaba, Beatrace Kemigisa and others say that since they forwarded their matters to the authorities, they never received any reply.

However, when contacted by our reporter Ms.Kabakoma Maurine dismissed the accusations as false meant to tarnish her name because the district public accounts committee cleared her of any offence.

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