Conflicts rise between Kabarole district leaders and Kicwamba Sub County over terminating contract of mid western umbrella

Conflicts rise between Kabarole district leaders and Kicwamba Sub County over terminating contract of mid western umbrella

By Kajumba Gorret  

Conflicts have risen among Kabarole district leadership and Kicwamba Sub County over contract termination of mid-western umbrella of Water and Sanitation Authority which took over in 2017 to supply clean and safe water in Kicwamba Sub County and extend water in places without gravity piped water.

During the community meeting of village elders, lc1s, lc2s, religious leaders, residents, and Kicwamba sub county leadership held at Kitumbi parish today, the community showed its dissatisfaction with the services of mid western umbrella as they have not delivered what they agreed in the memorandum of understanding.

 Mr. Magezi Jacker Kicculi the chairperson lc3 said that they did not know the mediation meeting called by the chairperson lcv Kabarole district Mr, Rwabuhinga Richard as he said in his statement yesterday that he met residents of Kicwamba and midwestern umbrella and solved the issue.

The community meeting resolved that the contract should be terminated; residents; Mugasa Gilbert, Mbwete Michael, Twesige Patrick, Bwegendaho Patrick and councilors like; Kasaija Rwaheru Ronald among others said that since mid western umbrella has failed to engage and work with sub county water board, water source committee and water users so as ensure it delivers clean and safe water to the community.

They reveal that mid western umbrella found over 250 tap stands installed by wash but now 10 taps in the whole sub county and with no water

Hon. Tusiime Ediina Mukarwiza the female district councilor representing Kicwamba sub county in Kabarole district has tasked leaders to wake up and start working for their people instead of remaining with political hatred that ended a long time ago.

Ediina was today speaking in a community meeting held at kitumbi parish in Kicwamba sub county where she said that leaders still have hatred of politics that has hindered development and service delivery to their people.

She revealed that when leaders disagree on something or about someone with a good reason others take it as political side and yet it is for the people; avoid that cheap politics and cheap mind.

However, Mr. Kalenzi Julius Rukyama the chairperson NRM Kicwamba sub county said that leaders should have peaceful means of solving misunderstandings instead of fighting with each other that makes them spend their term without working for their people.

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