Bishop Asks Priests to Stick to Celibacy Vows

Bishop Asks Priests to Stick to Celibacy Vows

The Bishop of Fort Portal Diocese the Rt. Rev. Dr. Robert Muhiirwa Akiiki has tasked priests to remain committed to their vows of celibacy (the state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations) and give all their life to serving God.

According to Bishop Muhirwa, priests should always recognize the gift of being chosen and called by God to serve Him. He says ordained priests are very few compared to millions of people in the world hence the need to be exemplary, remain committed to their celibacy vows, support and comfort people especially the young ones from broken families who seek help from them.

He was preaching at the ordination of five priests and one deacon at a colorful ceremony held at Brothers of St Joseph the Worker Novitiate Saaka. The Ordained Priests include Rev. Fr Elasto Moshi Mao, Fr. Gerald Kityo, Fr. John Baptist Ssemaganda, Fr. Nicodemus Kisongo, Fr. Beta Qorro and Deacon Gideon Murithi.

The bishop also warned them against being rebellious citing example of some people who carryout industrial action over some issues. He demands them to obey their superiors.

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