Bunyangabu Parents Agree To Buy Desks To Save Children From Sitting On Floor

Parents have agreed to buy 70 desks for the over populated Karugaya SDA Primary School in Kateebwa Sub County, Bunyangabu District at a total cost of 4,550,000 Shillings.

Each child will pay 5900 only this term to support the exercise.

The resolution, which aims at saving children from sitting on the floor during class time, was reached at  during a parents meeting called following the request of the Bunyangabu RDC Asiimwe Jane Muhindo.

During her routine supervision and monitoring of the school in February, RDC Asiimwe realised that a number of children were sitting on the floor while others squeezed themselves on the few desks.

The most affected pupils are in  Primary three, four, five and six where at least 15 learners per class were found sitting on the floor during lesson sessions.

RDC Asiimwe asked parents to attend such school meetings where critical issues are discussed to find solutions affecting institutions.

Mumbere John a parent with three children at Karugaya SDA primary school supported the idea of buying desks, saying that lack of enough sitting space affects learners writing skills and concentration.

Kyaligonza Benedicto another parent agreed with others on buying desks but tasked the school administration to give accountability of the PTA contributions paid per term.

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