Christ Aid International has embarked on a mission to visit her new members of Grand Mum’s of Christ

Christ Aid International has embarked on a mission to visit her new members of Grand Mum’s of Christ

Christ Aid International has embarked on a mission to visit her new members of Grand Mum’s of Christ (Abakaikuru Ba Yesu) to assess the situation amdist Covid 19 Pandemic.

Christ Aid International which has offices in Rwengoma Fort Portal City advocates for the vulnerable children and women providing shelter to grand mom’s ,medicare care and sponsorship of vulnerable children to university level.

Yesterday they visited Beatrice Katale of Kyamasongi village, Busoro parish in Busoro Sub County and one Cecilia Bomera of Isekahungu Kacwamba Fort Portal City.

The team led by the Country Director Christ Aid madam Grace Karungi Mugasa were shocked upon finding Katale Beatrice in an alarming health conditions.  They resolved to construct for her a semi permanent house and put her on daily medication to heal the wounds caused by jiggers. For Cecilia Bomera they will enroll her for a monthly nutrition and medication.

Since the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic, Christ Aid International had limited meetings with the beneficiaries and asked them to get their donations and monthly medical payments by mobile money to avoid getting infected by the deadly virus.

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