Do Not Neglect Teenage Mothers-Woman MP Tells Residents

Do Not Neglect Teenage Mothers-Woman MP Tells Residents

Teenage Mothers in this country are increasing hence the need to be supported both social and economic so that they can be motivated to fit in society and have a bright future.

According to Silvia Rwabwogo the Woman MP Kabarole, many teenage girls in society are being stigmatized, neglected by their parents instead of supporting them to continue with their education or have income generating projects.

She was yesterday speaking to hundreds of teenage mothers in a meeting held at Bulaalo Foundation Headquarters in Karangura Sub County.

Rwabwogo urged the girls to be strong, work hard and embrace vocational trainings that will enable them be, economically empowered.

Kikoora Masereka the Director Bulaalo Foundation assured the legislature that the Organization started as a VOT listeners Association and they are now engaging in vocational trainings to help teenage mothers acquire skills that will liberate them in future.

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