DPC warns transport operators against carrying people at night to boarder line districts.

Kabarole district police commander Mr. Oese John warned transporter operators against carrying people to and from boarder line districts like; Kasese, Bundibugyo, Ntoroko among other which put their lives at a risk of getting covid 19.

Oese said this in the meeting of all transport operators in Kabarole district ahead of their reopening as allowed by the president of Uganda in his recent national address of covid 19 today which was held at the Rwenzori West regional offices in Boma.

He added that transport operators have comply with the rules and guide lines of the ministry of healthy for safe working environment.

Twesige Vincent the PRO Rwenzori West warned boda boda riders who carry people when caught will be taken to court and be charged of attempted murder like how the president said, they are allowed to carry cargos only.

He appealed transport communities to work together as a team by giving out information required so as to fight covid 19 together as a family.

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