Everyone should be patriotic -says commissioner

Annually 9th June, Uganda commemorates the Heroes that exemplified and defended the highest values of patriotism and sacrifice for the well-being of the country and its citizens.

However, this year’s Heroes Day has passed off like any other day for many Ugandans, due to COVID-19 that has taken away peoples focus from the annual national event.

The commissioner patriotism Uganda Brigadier Mwesige Patrick demands everyone to be patriotic and sacrifice to serving this country.

Mwesige asks leaders to live exemplary life to the people they lead; avoid corruption, dictatorship and fights.

The Mountain Division Public Relations Officer Capt. Edwini Mawanda asked people to be aware of covid-19 as it is contagious and adhere, to the president’s directives and guidelines from the ministry of health.


His worship the Mayor Rev. Willy Kintu Muhanga of Fort portal Municipality has asked government to always identify and reward the champion people called heroes when they are still alive as a sign of appreciation for their services to the country and people.

Muhanga condemns the act of prizing heroes after death which earns nothing to them but this could be done when they are alive so as to encourage them and their people as they are living exemplary life to the community.

He added that being a hero requires more effort, sacrifice of life, money, properties and among others so as they are celebrating, there is a need of appreciating them for their effort.      

Muhanga reminded people to be security vigilant on covid 19 as they have relaxed on the preventive measures put in place by the ministry of health and the president of Uganda which has worried leaders over the spread of the pandemic as it is still contagious.



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