Fort portal Municipal Mayor calls for enforcement of social distancing.

Mayor Fort portal municipality Rev.Willy Kintu Muhanga calls for enforcement of social distancing measures following the partial easing of the covid-19 lock down, whereby some businesses have been allowed to operate, private vehicles and public transport allowed back on the road as there are worries of increase in the spread of covid-19 due to faulting of social distancing measures.

Several people, especially around Fort portal municipality mostly in busy areas of Kisenyi, Kahinju Street among others are no longer exercising social distancing which is a key measure to prevent covid-19.

Muhanga asked people to be security conscious as Uganda’s covid-19 cases hit 507 as community infections spread people should follow and implement the president’s directives and guide lines from the ministry of health so that we can fight this pandemic together.

Muhanga calls for team work as one Ugandan to fight against covid 19 as it is everyone’s responsibility.
He added that as people are operating their businesses, they should be aware of the contagious pandemic disease; masks compulsory, hand washing and social distancing.    

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