Fort portal regional referral hospital lacks man power

By Kajumba Gorret 

 Lack of health personnel at Fort portal regional referral hospital has greatly contributed to the delay in delivering health services to the people in the region which requires interventions of the ministry of health.

According to the hospital director; Dr. Alex Adaku, being a regional referral hospital they serve a very big population from ten districts within the region but they are lacking enough health manpower, they also lack specialists as they have 11 specialists out of 26 specialists who are supposed to be at the hospital, lack of enough patient wards which has led to congestion of patients at the hospital.

Adaku while speaking at the inauguration of the new hospital managing board of Fort portal regional referral hospital held at Nyaika hotel in fort portal tourism city, said that people come from far away districts and there is a big percentage of refugees from Kamwenge and Kitagwenda that have increased the population of patients at the hospital of which there is no enough health workers to attend them, this calls for interventions of the ministry of health if they are to deliver quality health services to the people.

Hon. Anifa Kawooya Bangirana, State Minister for Health in charge of General Duties who was the chief guest said that as the ministry of health have noted key issues that are affecting the operationalization of regional referral hospitals and they are going to handle them like; lack of specialists, health personnel, city scans, ambulances, and other issues in the next financial year.

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