Kabarole RDC: Unvaccinated VHTs Not To Participate In Mass Polio Vaccination

By Musa Polite

Kabarole Resident district commissioner Madam Ayesiga Julian Sarah has ordered the district health office to scrap off unvaccinated VHTs from the list of those to participate in the mass polio vaccination exercise to kick off this Friday.

During the district Covid 19 task force meeting on Tuesday evening, Ayesiga noted that there some VHTs who have not been vaccinated of covid 19, and deploying them in the field to interact with the public during polio vaccination exercise, puts the people’s lives at risk.

Ayesiga has also asked the DHO to ensure that the health team moves with Covid vaccines to vaccinate the VHTS during the polio vaccination training workshops and in case some decline to be vaccinated; they should be denied a chance to be on the vaccination team.

The three-day mass polio vaccination exercise is scheduled to kick off on Friday 14th Jan 2022.

During this national wide exercise health workers with the help of LC1 chairpersons and a HVT in respective villages will be moving house to house giving oral polio vaccine to all children below the age of 5.

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