Kasese Farmers Decry Outbreak of Coffee Pests and Diseases

Coffee farmers in Kyandu cell Kisinga town council, Kasese district are decrying the invasion of pests and disease that have attacked their coffee plantations.

According to some of the farmers, the coffee seeds change color from red to black.

Patrick Kyamanduma an active coffee farmer in Kisinga town council says the pests and diseases have affected their expected output.

Joshua Bwambale another farmer adds that diseases coupled with poverty, the farmers have been forced to harvest their coffee when it’s still immature.  Joshua says this has continued to compromise the quality and market of the product.

Immaculate Athungu a coffee farmer in Muhookya says her 4 acres of coffee were hit by a strange disease. Though she accessed numerous pesticides to contain the disease, she still lost nearly half of her field.


John Buhanga another farmer says the main trigger of the harvesting of green berries and limited management is baiting poverty among coffee farmers. He says the demands including school fees, force many farmers to harvest immature coffee. .

Julius Rukara, the Kasese principal Agriculture officer notes that the district has been teaming up with UCDA to train farmers on disease and pest management.


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