Small scale farmers to gain more in Kasese

Kasese district government through NAADS is in advanced stages of establishing an industrial estate to promote value addition and processing.

Government has set aside Shs4bn for this purpose under the Agricultural Local Economic Development Initiative (AGRI-LED) as the Executive director NAADS Dr Samuel Mugasi says.

Mugasi basing on the productivity of the area, he is very optimistic that the industrial parks will be vibrant in Kasese.

Samuel Mugasi also noted that the project will be a blessing to the economy of the country but also many will get employed due to the establishment of the estate.

Brig. Gen. Phillip Mugarura the NAADS co-coordinator in the Rwenzori says although government through Naads still supports farmers with planting and stocking materials, the emphasis has been shifted to address the gaps in the agriculture value chain concentrating on value addition and processing; adding that the raw materials from the farms will be targeted in the industries.

The Mayor for Kasese municipality Kabyanga Godfrey Baluku stressed that the industrial park will cut across all value chains saying cotton ginning, oil is processing, juice processing but also a bus assembling plant which will be the biggest.

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