By Musa polite.

Following FDC’s public outcry for the government to close schools to contain the spread of corona virus that has hit countries world over, educationists around fort portal municipality have diverse views about the disease.

According to Harriet Kobusinge, the head teacher Kabarole primary school, preventive measures that have been directed by the government should be taken up first instead of closing schools and if they fail, the country take up other measures.

Miss karungi Mpairwe night, head teacher Kyebambe girls secondary school believes that the country has all it needs to prevent the spread of the disease if the population will comply to the directives and therefore if there is no much threat as of now, there is no need for schools to close.

Mr. Muhindo Nickson, the director of studies hillside high school says that closing schools won’t be a solution as other public gatherings like churches and markets will remain operating. He emphasized the need to intensify the directives instead of closing schools.

Byamukama John Tinka, head teacher Buhinga primary school decries of the high population of the learners which has become a threat as the price of buying water and detergents has become high for the school. He however says that it’s not yet the climax to reach the extent of closing schools.

However, Jenifer Asaba, an educationist from Marry and Joseph primary school observes a need to close schools country wide saying that it will become expensive for the country to contain the disease if it does not start right from now. She makes an alarm to leaders that Uganda is not special from other countries so they should order the closure of schools immediately.

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